United States v. R.B. - partial ACQUITTAL and a sentence UNDER HALF of the Sentencing Guidelines and government’s recommendation
Client, a foreign national, was arrested in a foreign country and charged with a widespread global cybercrime conspiracy. Ms. Carmichael and Mr. Ellis worked tirelessly to defend client through intense, complex, and voluminous discovery review and investigation. Ms. Carmichael and Mr. Ellis developed a robust federal defense after interviewing potential expert witnesses including digital forensic and cybersecurity experts. Jury trial lasted almost two weeks. The jury deliberated for two days and eventually acquitted client of one of the four charges. At sentencing, the government asked the Court to follow the sentencing guidelines and sentence client to 35 years in prison. After hearing Ms. Carmichael's compelling and reasoned arguments against such a lengthy term, the Court rejected the guidelines and sentenced client to under half of the government's request.